sir______ / camphor oil / with kusunoki wood tips / 10ml
屋久島クスノキから蒸留してできたエッセンシャルオイル 屋久島の自然100%でできた香りをお楽しみいただけます。力強い爽やかな香りで、すっきりとするリラックス効果のほか、クローゼットなどの防虫、消臭効果が期待できます。朝の目覚めにスッキリとした香りのひとときをお楽しみください。 内容量: 10ml (0.3 fl oz) 原産国: 日本 Essential Oil Distilled from Yakushima Camphor Trees Experience the 100% natural essence of Yakushima's pristine environment with this essential oil, distilled from local camphor trees. Its invigorating and refreshing scent not only promotes relaxation but also provides natural deodorizing and insect-repellent properties, making it ideal for use in closets or personal spaces. Begin your day with the uplifting, crisp fragrance of Yakushima. Note: This larger bottle does not include camphor wood chips. Recommended as a refill option for those who have previously purchased the 10ml (0.3 fl oz) bottle. Volume: 10ml (0.3 fl oz) Origin: Made in Japan Available for domestic and international orders.
sir______ / camphor oil / 30ml
屋久島クスノキから蒸留してできたエッセンシャルオイル 屋久島の自然100%でできた香りをお楽しみいただけます。力強い爽やかな香りで、すっきりとするリラックス効果のほか、クローゼットなどの防虫、消臭効果が期待できます。朝の目覚めにスッキリとした香りのひとときをお楽しみください。 ※こちらの大容量の方は、クスノキのウッドチップは付属しません。10ml (0.3 fl oz)を購入された方のリピート用にお勧めです。 内容量: 30ml (1 fl oz) 原産国: 日本 Essential Oil Distilled from Yakushima Camphor Trees Experience the 100% natural essence of Yakushima's pristine environment with this essential oil, distilled from local camphor trees. Its invigorating and refreshing scent not only promotes relaxation but also provides natural deodorizing and insect-repellent properties, making it ideal for use in closets or personal spaces. Begin your day with the uplifting, crisp fragrance of Yakushima. Note: This larger bottle does not include camphor wood chips. Recommended as a refill option for those who have previously purchased the 10ml (0.3 fl oz) bottle. Volume: 30ml (1 fl oz) Origin: Made in Japan Available for domestic and international orders.
/ concept store / vintage / antique / artisan / designer / art / warehouse / exhibition / gallery /
青い羊 for Vintage Lovers
by Elephant House Inc.
香川県高松市本町9-5 / 不定休 / 予約優先
mail contact.elephanthouse@gmail.com
tel 087-880-7196